When using Windows XP Professional as a server for more than 10 client pc, maybe you will encounter this kind of error;

No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept.

This error is caused by the limitation of Windows XP Professional to 10 connection only. To solve this problem, you have to edit your registry. Follow this steps;

1. Click START -> RUN
2. Type regedit
3. Go to \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
4. Look for cachedlogonscount
5. Replace its value to your desired number of connection, for example 15.

That’s it!


  1. I had same issue, after reset user’s account password with unlock option checked. Then logoff user and login with new password issue was resolved.

    SERVER 2008 & Windows 7 workstation.

  2. Thank you it worked!

    Wonder what caused it to drop to 10 in the first place.

    I assume it was higher b4 because I never experienced this issue

  3. if changing the value from 10 to 15 does not work for you,

    for XP users: Start – run – control userpasswords2 then press enter
    from the Advance menu choose Manage password, click and the accounts stored them choose Remove.

    for windows 7, art – run – control userpasswords2 then press enter
    from the Advance menu choose Manage password, click in windows credentials remove all accounts.

    then try again.



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