[SOLVED] LoadLibrary (“CRYSTL32.ocx”) failed – The specified module could not be found
Im trying to register the CRYSTL32.OCX but the error "LoadLibrary ("CRYSTL32.ocx") failed - The specified module could not be found" keeps on occuring.
And i...
[SOLVED]No more connections can be made to this remote computer
When using Windows XP Professional as a server for more than 10 client pc, maybe you will encounter this kind of error;
No more connections...
[SOLVED] Drive is not accessible. The parameter is incorrect
Download the Windows version of testdisk-6.14-WIP here
Unzip the downloaded file to your C: drive and open C:testdisk-6.8win > double click "testdisk_win"
1.At the first window select “No...
How to Hack Your Own Computer
Im sure, you're here because you're dreaming that, maybe, someday you'll become a Hacker. You're on the right site! But, of course you need...
[SOLVED] Runtime Error R6003 – Integer Divide by 0
I encountered this error when i tried changing the application PC with a much faster processor PC. After installing winxp and other application to...